Or I should call it webs now.
www.freewebs.com was a site I used to use for file storage. I never actually cared that you could actually create a website there and didn’t use that functionality. This year I started using it and they have also been improving it. Now you can get a pretty full featured website up pretty quickly.
I figured I’d put up some tutorials at using some of the features. One because I’m always looking for something to blog about lately and two because I think these tutorials will help someone out.
The first tutorial is blogging and the first step is to log into freewebs by typing your username and password in the boxes provided.
You will be presented with the dashboard for your account.
Move your mouse over Edit My Site and a drop down menu will appear. Select Site Manager from the drop down menu.
Since we are blogging select Blog from the list of pages.
And you will be presented with the Site Builder for you Blog. Select Post New Entry.
Enter a Title and use the rich text box to enter the body for your blog entry. You have a lot of formatting control over the rich text box and you can add images or embed video.
Select the Publish button when you are finished.
And you’ll have your first blog entry on Freewebs. Here is a link to the actual blog entry. Next up: Calendars
WARNING: Webs.com has been freezing sites for very little reason and often don’t respond to inquires about the freeze. Just letting you know.
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